*HEADING Usage level: FAN=HUB+4xBLADES Use of MPC (CYCLSYMM) One level substructure. ** Z100: a substructure for a single blade; Z200: a substructure which contains the 1/4 hub and a substructure blade (Z100); Z300: a substructure which contains the 1/4 hub and a full blade. Requires substructure generation file fansubstr_gen3.inp ** *RESTART,WRITE,FRE=1 ** *NODE 1, 3.50000, 3.00000, 4.00000 3, 3.46638, 3.18024, 4.00000 7, 3.18024, 3.46638, 4.00000 9, 3.00000, 3.50000, 4.00000 ** 31, 6.00000, 3.00000, 4.00000 33, 5.79830, 4.08144, 4.00000 37, 4.08144, 5.79830, 4.00000 39, 3.00000, 6.00000, 4.00000 ** 91, 6.00000, 3.00000, 0.00000 93, 5.79830, 4.08144, 0.00000 97, 4.08144, 5.79830, 0.00000 99, 3.00000, 6.00000, 0.00000 ** 100, 7.89643, 8.00249, 2.59810 9998, 3.00000, 3.00000, 4.00000 9999, 3.00000, 3.00000, 0.00000 *NGEN,LINE=C,NSET=NHUB 1,3,1,9998 3,7,1,9998 7,9,1,9998 *NGEN,LINE=C,NSET=RINGF 31,33,1,9998 33,37,1,9998 37,39,1,9998 *NGEN,LINE=C,NSET=RINGB 91,93,1,9999 93,97,1,9999 97,99,1,9999 *NFILL,NSET=HUB NHUB,RINGF,3,10 RINGF,RINGB,6,10 ** *NSET,NSET=PART1,GENERATE 1,91,10 9,99,10 2,8,1 32,38,1 100,100,1 ** *NSET,NSET=PART1X,GENERATE 11,91,10 *NSET,NSET=PART1Y,GENERATE 19,99,10 *NODE 10000,3,3,0 10001,3,3,10 *MPC CYCLSYM,PART1Y,PART1X,10000,10001 ** *NSET,NSET=NODEHUB,GENERATE 1, 9, 1 102, 108, 1 201, 209, 1 302, 308, 1 ** *ELEMENT,TYPE=Z300,ELSET=P1,FILE=FAN 901,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,19,21,29,31,32, 33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,49,51,59,61,69,71,79,81, 89,91,99,100 ** *SUBSTRUCTURE PROPERTY,ELSET=P1 0.,0.,0. ** *NSET,NSET=NPRINT,GENERATE 31,39,1 61,69,1 ** *STEP Pressure loading on the blade *STATIC .1,1. *BOUNDARY NODEHUB,ENCASTRE *SLOAD P1, SPRESS, 1000. ** *EL PRINT,FREQ=0 *EL FILE,FREQ=0 *NODE PRINT,NSET=NPRINT,FREQ=100 U, RF, *NODE FILE,FREQ=0 ** *OUTPUT,VAR=PRESELECT,FIELD *SUBSTRUCTURE PATH, ENTER ELEMENT=901 *EL PRINT,FREQ=0 *NODE PRINT,NSET=NPRINT,FRE=100 U, RF, *NODE FILE,NSET=NPRINT,FRE=100 U, RF, *SUBSTRUCTURE PATH, LEAVE ** *END STEP