*Heading ** ** The Collapse of Stack of Blocks with General Contact ** *Preprint, Model=Yes, History=Yes ** ** PARTS ** *Include, Input=blocks_deform_assembly.inp ** ** SECTION CONTROLS ** *Section Controls, Name=Sect1, Hourglass=Enhanced ** ** MATERIALS ** *Material, name=Wood *Density 5.4e-05, **5.4e-05 lb s2/in4 = 577.098 kg/m3 *Elastic 1.76e+06, 0.3 ** 1.76e+06 Psi = 12.135 GPa ** ** INTERACTION PROPERTIES ** *Surface Interaction, name=FRIC *Friction 0.15, *Surface Interaction, name=IntProp-1 ** ** BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ** ** Name: BC-1 Type: Symmetry/Antisymmetry/Encastre *Boundary _G332, ENCASTRE ** ** INTERACTIONS ** ** Interaction: Int-1 *Contact, op=NEW *Contact Inclusions, All Element Based *Contact Property Assignment ,,FRIC *Surface Property Assignment, Property=Feature Edge Criteria , 20.0 ** ** STEP: Step-1 ** *NSET,NSET=QA_TEST AllBlocks *Step, name=Step-1 *Dynamic, Explicit , 0.15 *Bulk Viscosity 0.06, 1.2 ** ** LOADS ** ** Name: Load-1 Type: Gravity *Dload _G333, GRAV, 3.86E3, 0., -1., 0. ** ** OUTPUT REQUESTS ** *Restart, write, number interval=1, time marks=NO ** ** FIELD OUTPUT: F-Output-1 ** *Output, field, variable=PRESELECT ** *OUTPUT,FIELD, number interval=1 *node output,nset=QA_TEST U, ** HISTORY OUTPUT: H-Output-1 ** ***Output, history, variable=PRESELECT,time interval=0.0005 *Output, history, variable=PRESELECT,time interval=0.15 *End Step