12.1 The application object

The application object manages the message queue, timers, chores, GUI updating, and other system facilities. Each application will have an application object, which you typically create in the application’s startup file. For more information, see Startup script, Section 11.2. The constructor for the application object takes the following arguments:

AFXApp(appName, vendorName, productName, majorNumber, minorNumber, 
       updateNumber, prerelease)

The application and vendor names are intended to be keys into the registry. The registry is a place to store settings that are persistent between sessions of the application; for example, the size and location of the application on the desktop when the application it starts. The registry is currently not used by ABAQUS, but these keys are included as placeholders for future capabilities. The registry will have various sections that allow you to group settings. Some settings may apply to all products from a particular vendor, and some settings may apply to only a specific product from a vendor.

By default, ABAQUS displays the product name and version numbers in the main window's title bar; for more information, see The title bar, Section 13.2.