4.2 Padding and spacing

Layout managers (and most widgets) provide some default padding so that widgets are spaced apart from each other. These values are commonly found near the end of the widget's list of arguments. For example,

FXPacker(…, pl, pr, pt, pb, …)
In general, you should accept the default values for padding. However, if you have nested layout managers, you should set the padding values to zero.

Layout managers also provide spacing between their children. These values are commonly found at the end of the widget's list of arguments. For example,

FXPacker(…, hs, vs)
In general, you should accept the default values for spacing.

Some “compound” widgets, such as AFXTextField, AFXComboBox, and AFXSpinner, have two padding values—one for the padding of the internal text field widget and a second for the entire widget that includes a label. You set the padding for the internal text field widget by passing padding values into the widget constructor. You set the padding for the entire widget by calling one of the padding methods on the widget; for example, setPadLeft.