Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Various methods of defining a geometric imperfection through the use of the *IMPERFECTION option are tested. The same problems are performed using the *PARAMETER SHAPE VARIATION option in ABAQUS/Standard.
The verification problems contained in this section test the *IMPERFECTION and *PARAMETER SHAPE VARIATION options in ABAQUS. Simple geometries are used to test the various methods of defining an imperfection: specifying imperfection values, defining the imperfection as a linear superposition of eigenmodes, or using the results of a static analysis.
Imperfection specified as perturbation values in the cylindrical coordinate system.
Shape variation specified as variation values in the cylindrical coordinate system.
Eigenvalue analysis of cylindrical shell structure.
Imperfection defined by linear superposition of eigenmodes obtained from ximpb1.inp.
Shape variation defined by linear superposition of eigenmodes obtained from ximpb1.inp.
Static analysis of a contact problem.
Imperfection defined from the static analysis of problem ximpc1.inp.
Shape variation defined from the static analysis of problem ximpc1.inp.
File containing node numbers and coordinate perturbations at those nodes.
Imperfection specified as perturbation values in cartesian coordinates read from the file ximpd.inp.
Imperfection specified on the data lines as perturbation values in a spherical coordinate system.
Static analysis performed with ABAQUS/Standard.
Imperfection defined from the static analysis of problem imp_file1.inp.
File containing node numbers and coordinate perturbations at those nodes.
Imperfection specified as perturbation values in Cartesian coordinates read from the file imp_rect_data.inp.
Imperfection specified on data lines as perturbation values in the spherical coordinate system.