Product: ABAQUS/Standard
User subroutine UEXPAN is used to model the thermal expansion behavior of a linear elastic material. The thermal expansion behavior is modeled as isotropic in uexpan1x.inp, and it is modeled as orthotropic in uexpan2x.inp. The thermal expansion behavior is modeled as a function of field variables in uexpanfv.inp.
In all the tests a single CPE4 element with unit dimensions is used in the finite element model. The material properties in these tests are = 30.0E6 and
= 0.3.
Isotropic thermal expansion behavior.
User subroutine UEXPAN used in uexpan1x.inp.
Orthotropic thermal expansion behavior.
User subroutine UEXPAN used in uexpan2x.inp.
Thermal expansion behavior is a function of field variables.
User subroutine UEXPAN used in uexpanfv.inp.