Product: ABAQUS/Standard
User subroutine to define nonuniform distributed flux in heat transfer and mass diffusion analyses.
A steady-state heat transfer analysis of a unit block is performed. The block is composed of six DC2D8 elements. Side of the block (nodes 1–7) has its temperature,
, ramped up linearly over the course of a step. The opposite side of the block, side
(nodes 201–207), has a nonuniform distributed flux,
, applied to it via user subroutine DFLUX. The value of the distributed flux varies as a function of the current temperature of this side,
. This variation of applied flux is chosen to be
, where
is the conductivity of the block material. A thermal energy balance,
The inclusion of in user subroutine DFLUX is essential for good convergence of the solution.
Test of DFLUX in a heat transfer analysis.
User subroutine DFLUX used in udfluxxx.inp.
A steady-state mass diffusion analysis of a unit block is performed. The block is composed of six DC2D8 elements. Side of the block (nodes 1–7) has its normalized concentration,
, ramped up linearly over the course of a step. The opposite side of the block, side
(nodes 201–207), has a nonuniform distributed flux,
, applied to it via user subroutine DFLUX. The value of the distributed flux varies as a function of the current normalized concentration,
; temperature,
; and equivalent pressure stress,
, of this side. This variation of applied flux is chosen to be
, where
is the diffusivity of the block material. The diffusivity is defined as
The inclusion of in user subroutine DFLUX is essential for good convergence of the solution.
Test of DFLUX in a mass diffusion analysis.
User subroutine DFLUX used in udfluxmd.inp.