Product: ABAQUS/Standard
The model consists of a single infinite element connected to one regular continuum finite element. The model is subjected to a plane wave and a shear wave. The results from this analysis are compared with a reference solution obtained from a model in which the infinite element is replaced by dashpots attached to the regular continuum element at points A and B. The damping coefficient corresponding to a plane wave, , is computed as
, where
is the plane wave speed. Similarly, the damping coefficient corresponding to a shear wave,
, is computed as
, where
is the shear wave speed.
Young's modulus = 1.0, Poisson's ratio = 0.1, density = 0.01.
Boundary conditions:
Plane wave: = 1.0 × 104 along edge CD,
= 0 throughout the model.
Shear wave: = 1.0 × 104 along edge CD,
= 0 throughout the model.
The results are confirmed by comparing them to a direct-solution steady-state dynamic analysis of the model in which the infinite elements are replaced by dashpots. The displacements and phase angles match the reference solution in all cases.
CIN3D8 elements.
CIN3D8 elements replaced by dashpots.
CIN3D12R elements.
CIN3D12R elements replaced by dashpots.
CIN3D18R elements.
CIN3D18R elements replaced by dashpots.
CINAX4 elements.
CINAX4 elements replaced by dashpots.
CINAX5R elements.
CINAX5R elements replaced by dashpots.
CINPE4 elements.
CINPE4 elements replaced by dashpots.
CINPE5R elements.
CINPE5R elements replaced by dashpots.
CINPS4 elements.
CINPS4 elements replaced by dashpots.
CINPS5R elements.
CINPS5R elements replaced by dashpots.