Product: ABAQUS/Standard
Young's modulus, =20.0E6
Poisson's ratio, =0.3
Plasticity 1
Mises perfect plasticity with yield stress = 200.0
Plasticity 2
Plasticity 3
Hill perfect plasticity with reference yield stress = 200.0
Anisotropic yield ratios: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
Because of the choice of the anisotropic yield ratios, the material represented by plasticity 3 is identical to the material represented by plasticity 1.
Viscous 1
Viscous 2
Viscous 3
Anisotropic viscosity ratios: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
Because of the choice of the anisotropic viscosity ratios, the material represented by viscous 3 is identical to the material represented by viscous 1.
(The units are not important.)
Plasticity 1 and Viscous 1; uniaxial tension followed by relaxation; strain controlled; tests temperature dependence of viscous data; tests linear perturbation; C3D8R elements.
Plasticity 1 and Viscous 1; uniaxial tension followed by relaxation; strain controlled; CPS4R elements.
Plasticity 1 and Viscous 1; uniaxial tension followed by relaxation; strain controlled; SAX1 elements.
*POST OUTPUT analysis.
Plasticity 1 and Viscous 1; uniaxial tension; long-term static solution; C3D8R elements.
Plasticity 2 and Viscous 2; uniaxial cyclic loading; strain controlled; C3D8R elements.
Plasticity 3 and Viscous 3; Uniaxial cyclic loading; strain controlled; C3D8R elements.