Product: ABAQUS/Standard
Young's modulus, =200.0E3
Poisson's ratio, =0.3
The rate dependence parameters are as follows for the test that verifies the temperature dependencies:
The power law is entered as a piecewise linear relationship for the cases in which rate-dependent test data are specified directly.
(The units are not important.)
Uniaxial tension, power law, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial tension, yield ratios, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial tension, temperature-dependent power law, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial tension, temperature-dependent yield ratios, C3D8 elements.
Linear perturbation uniaxial tension, power law, C3D8 elements.
Linear perturbation uniaxial tension, *PLASTIC, RATE=option, C3D8 elements.
Young's modulus, =30.0E6
Poisson's ratio, =0.3
Other properties
Density, =1000.0
Specific heat, =0.4
Inelastic heat fraction = 0.5
Rate dependence parameter, =40.0
Rate dependence parameter, =5.0
The power law is entered as a piecewise linear relationship for the cases in which rate-dependent test data are specified directly.
(The units are not important.)
Uniaxial tension, power law, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial tension, *PLASTIC, RATE=option, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial tension, power law, T3D2 elements.
Uniaxial tension, yield ratios, T3D2 elements.
Multiaxial, power law, C3D8 elements.
Multiaxial, *PLASTIC, RATE=option, C3D8 elements.
Young's modulus, =200.0E3
Poisson's ratio, =0.3
The power law is entered as a piecewise linear relationship for the cases in which rate-dependent test data are specified directly.
(The units are not important.)
Uniaxial tension in direction 1, power law, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial tension in direction 1, yield ratios, linear perturbation with *LOAD CASE, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial tension in direction 2, power law, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial tension in direction 3, power law, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial tension in direction 3, *PLASTIC, RATE=option, C3D8 elements.
Young's modulus, =300.0E3
Poisson's ratio, =0.3
The linear Drucker-Prager model is used in each case.
Angle of friction, =40.0
Dilation angle, =40.0
Rate dependence parameter, =10.0
Rate dependence parameter, =1.0
For the test that verifies the temperature dependencies, the rate dependence parameters are as follows:
Hardening curve:
The power law is entered as a piecewise linear relationship for the cases in which rate-dependent test data are specified directly.
(The units are not important.)
The tests in this section are set up as cases of homogeneous deformation of a single element of unit dimensions. Consequently, the results are identical for all integration points within the element. The constitutive path is integrated with 20 increments of fixed size.
Uniaxial compression, power law, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial compression, yield ratios, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial compression, temperature-dependent power law, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial compression, temperature-dependent yield ratios, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial compression, power law, CPS4 elements.
Uniaxial compression, linear perturbation with *LOAD CASE, *DRUCKER PRAGER HARDENING, RATE=option, CPS4 elements.
Linear perturbation uniaxial compression, power law, C3D8 elements.
Linear perturbation uniaxial compression, yield ratios, C3D8 elements.
Young's modulus, =3.0E6
Poisson's ratio, =0.2
Initial yield stress in hydrostatic compression, =2.0E5
Strength in hydrostatic tension, =2.0E4
Initial yield stress in uniaxial compression, =2.2E5
Yield stress ratio, =1.1
Yield stress ratio, =0.1
Rate dependence parameter, =10.0
Rate dependence parameter, =1.0
Hardening curve (from uniaxial compression):
Yield stress | plastic strain |
2.200E5 | 0.0 |
2.465E5 | 0.1 |
2.729E5 | 0.2 |
2.990E5 | 0.3 |
3.245E5 | 0.4 |
3.493E5 | 0.5 |
3.733E5 | 0.6 |
3.962E5 | 0.7 |
4.180E5 | 0.8 |
4.387E5 | 0.9 |
4.583E5 | 1.0 |
4.938E5 | 1.2 |
5.248E5 | 1.4 |
5.515E5 | 1.6 |
5.743E5 | 1.8 |
5.936E5 | 2.0 |
6.294E5 | 2.5 |
6.520E5 | 3.0 |
6.833E5 | 5.0 |
6.883E5 | 10.0 |
For the test that verifies the temperature dependencies, the rate dependence parameters are as follows:
The power law is entered as a piecewise linear relationship for the cases in which rate-dependent test data are specified directly.
(The units are not important.)
Uniaxial compression, power law, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial compression, yield ratios, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial compression, linear perturbation with *LOAD CASE, temperature-dependent power law, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial compression, temperature-dependent yield ratios, elements.
Young's modulus, =200.0E3
Poisson's ratio, =0.3
Porous metal plasticity
Initial relative density, =0.95 (
(The units are not important.)
Uniaxial tension, power law, C3D8 elements.
Uniaxial tension; *PLASTIC, RATE=option; C3D8 elements; linear perturbation with *LOAD CASE.
Hydrostatic tension, yield ratios, C3D8 elements.