Product: ABAQUS/Standard
Linear elastic, Young's modulus = 1.0 × 106, Poisson's ratio = 0.25, conductivity = 4.85 × 104.
Loading for Step 1:
A twist of 0.01 per unit length applied to face CD.
1.0 × 102.
Loading for Step 2:
Displacement boundary conditions applied to all exterior nodes: 103
Nonuniform body force: To maintain a constant shear stress 400 and preserve equilibrium, an equilibrating body force, BZNU, is defined in user subroutine DLOAD as BZNU =
, where
is the radius of the integration point.
Loading for Step 3:
Displacement boundary conditions applied to all exterior nodes: 102
Loading for Step 4:
Displacement boundary conditions applied to the deformed geometry of Step 2 at all exterior nodes: 103
Nonuniform body force (as described for Step 2): BZNU = 400
Loading for Step 5:
The displacement boundary conditions are the same as those applied in Step 3.
Temperatures are prescribed at every node along the boundary of the mesh. , where
is the temperature,
are arbitrary constants, and
denote spatial location.
Nonuniform distributed flux: To maintain a uniform heat flux, , a distributed heat flux, BFNU, is defined in user subroutine DFLUX as BFNU =
, where
is the radius of the integration point and
is the conductivity.
The analytical results for each step are presented below.
Shear stress, , where
is the radial distance from the axis of symmetry and
is the shear modulus.
Resultant moment, 2 = 6283.2.
The results agree well with the analytical solution for all elements.
The *SECTION FILE and *SECTION PRINT output requests are used in the input files with CGAX8RH elements to output accumulated quantities in different sections through the model.
CGAX3 elements.
User subroutine DLOAD used in eca3gfp5.inp.
CGAX3H elements.
User subroutine DLOAD used in eca3ghp5.inp.
CGAX3HT elements.
User subroutines DLOAD and DFLUX used in eca3hhp5.inp.
CGAX3T elements.
User subroutines DLOAD and DFLUX used in eca3hfp5.inp.
CGAX4 elements.
User subroutine DLOAD used in eca4gfp5.inp.
CGAX4H elements.
User subroutine DLOAD used in eca4ghp5.inp.
CGAX4HT elements.
User subroutines DLOAD and DFLUX used in eca4hhp5.inp.
CGAX4R elements.
User subroutine DLOAD used in eca4grp5.inp.
CGAX4RH elements.
User subroutine DLOAD used in eca4gyp5.inp.
CGAX4T elements.
User subroutines DLOAD and DFLUX used in eca4hfp5.inp.
CGAX6 elements.
User subroutine DLOAD used in eca6gfp5.inp.
CGAX6H elements.
User subroutine DLOAD used in eca6ghp5.inp.
CGAX6M elements.
User subroutine DLOAD used in eca6gkp5.inp.
CGAX6MH elements.
User subroutine DLOAD used in eca6glp5.inp.
CGAX8 elements.
User subroutine DLOAD used in eca8gfp5.inp.
CGAX8H elements.
User subroutine DLOAD used in eca8ghp5.inp.
CGAX8HT elements.
User subroutines DLOAD and DFLUX used in eca8hhp5.inp.
CGAX8R elements.
User subroutine DLOAD used in eca8grp5.inp.
CGAX8RH elements.
User subroutine DLOAD used in eca8gyp5.inp.
CGAX8T elements.
User subroutines DLOAD and DFLUX used in eca8hfp5.inp.