Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
C3D4 C3D4H C3D4T C3D6 C3D6H C3D6T
C3D10 C3D10H C3D10M C3D10MH C3D10MHT C3D10MT
C3D15 C3D15H C3D15V C3D15VH
Linear elastic, Young's modulus = 1.0 × 106, Poisson's ratio = 0.25.
For coupled temperature-displacement elements dummy thermal properties are prescribed to complete the material definition.
Loading for Step 1:
Displacement boundary conditions at all exterior nodes: 103(2
In the ABAQUS/Explicit simulations this step is followed by an intermediate step in which the model is returned to its unloaded state.
Loading for Step 2:
Uniform pressure load: 10000. (Rigid body motion is constrained.)
Loading for Step 3:
Displacement boundary conditions at all exterior nodes: 103(2
)/2, where
, and
are the coordinates of the undeformed geometry.
In the ABAQUS/Standard simulations this step is defined as a perturbation step; in the ABAQUS/Explicit simulations a velocity boundary condition that gives rise to the perturbation is specified instead.
The analytical results for each step are presented below.
All elements except C3D27R and C3D27RH yield exact solutions. These elements use a special 14-point reduced-integration scheme since Gaussian 2 × 2 × 2 integration leaves too many kinematic nodes. The stiffness matrix is not integrated exactly with the employed integration rule, leading to small discrepancies in the results. The wedge elements and the quadratic reduced-integration brick elements pass only a restricted patch test; i.e., such elements with midside nodes on any edges will pass the patch test only if those edges are straight.
The *SECTION FILE and *SECTION PRINT output requests are used in the input files with C3D8H, C3D10MH, and C3D27RH elements to output accumulated quantities in different sections through the model.
C3D4 elements.
C3D4H elements.
C3D6 elements.
C3D6H elements.
C3D8 elements.
C3D8H elements.
C3D8I elements.
C3D8IH elements.
C3D8R elements.
C3D8RH elements.
C3D10 elements.
C3D10H elements.
C3D10M elements.
C3D10MH elements.
C3D10MHT elements.
C3D10MT elements.
C3D15 elements.
C3D15H elements.
C3D15V elements.
C3D15VH elements.
C3D20 elements.
C3D20H elements.
C3D20R elements.
C3D20RH elements.
C3D27 elements.
C3D27H elements.
C3D27R elements.
C3D27RH elements.
C3D4T elements.
C3D6T elements.
C3D8RT elements.