Product: ABAQUS/Standard
Linear elastic, 2.00313 × 107,
5.00783 × 105,
1.25296 × 105,
0.5 × 105,
0.5 × 105.
Boundary conditions:
Nodes along edge are clamped.
0.5 at nodes
90° in the first layer and 0° in the second layer, with respect to the -axis, rotated about the
There are two elements with identical geometries in the model. The first element is defined via *SHELL SECTION, COMPOSITE and uses *ORIENTATION options. The second element is defined by *SHELL GENERAL SECTION, with the section stiffness matrix input directly, and is equivalent to the two-layer model presented above.
The section stiffness is:
All elements yield acceptable solutions. The *EL FILE, DIRECTIONS=YES option is used in the input file with element type S8R5 (es58s2sc.inp).
S4 elements.
S4R elements.
S4R5 elements.
S8R elements.
S8R5 elements.
S9R5 elements.
STRI3 elements.
STRI65 elements.