Product: ABAQUS/Standard
B21 B21H B22 B22H B31 B31H B31OS B31OSH B32 B32H B32OS B32OSH
Linear elastic, Young's modulus = 30 × 106, Poisson's ratio = 0.3.
Boundary conditions:
at end , at end .
100.0 at end . Only is applied for shell models.
Displacements in regular beam elements
8 × 103, 8 × 103 at end ,
4.92 × 103, 3.2 × 103, 3.2 × 103 at end .
Displacements in open section beam elements
6.02 × 102, .2 at end ,
8.0 × 102, 2.41 × 102 at end .
Displacements in pipe elements
2.47 × 103, 2.47 × 103 at end ,
1.28 × 103, 9.87 × 104, 9.87 × 104 at end .
Stress resultants in beam and pipe elements
0.0, 100, 100, 100.
Transverse shear = 0.0.
Displacements in shell elements
8 × 103 at node , 3.2 × 103 at node .
All beam and shell elements yield exact solutions. Pipe elements yield the following solutions:
2.475 × 103, 2.475 × 103 at end ,
1.287 × 103, 9.90 × 104, 9.90 × 104 at end .
B21 elements.
B21H elements.
B22 elements.
B22H elements.
B31 elements.
B31H elements.
B31OS elements.
B31OSH elements.
B32 elements.
B32H elements.
B32OS elements.
B32OSH elements.
PIPE21 elements.
PIPE21H elements.
PIPE22 elements.
PIPE22H elements.
PIPE31 elements.
PIPE31H elements.
PIPE32 elements.
PIPE32H elements.
S4 elements.
S4R elements.
S4R5 elements.
S8R elements.
S8R5 elements.
S9R5 elements.
STRI65 elements.