A.3.2 Model change

The names of the input files start with the letters pmc. For the first group the fourth letter is an e (element *MODEL CHANGE tests) or a c (contact-related *MODEL CHANGE tests). For the second group (the general tests) the next letter is p. An underscore follows, and then an element type identifier (i.e., cps4 or c3d8i), or for tests that include more than one element, an identifier signifying the type of elements such as beam3d. Another underscore and some characters to indicate a particular feature or procedure being tested may follow; e.g., se for a static analysis with an elastic material, sh for a static analysis with a hyperelastic material, sp for a static analysis with an elastic-plastic material, f for an eigenvalue extraction, d for a dynamic analysis, h for a heat transfer analysis, ctd for a coupled temperature-displacement analysis, or dl for a test of distributed loads in reactivated elements. The number 1 following the se, sh, or sp designation indicates that a specific modeling feature, such as *ORIENTATION or *DLOAD, is also being tested.