A.1.3 Fourth character

For all elements except the special-purpose stress/displacement elements, the fourth character represents the number of nodes in the element.

Element CategoryFourth CharacterNumber of Nodes
c, f, g, i, m, r, s, t1, 2, ..., 91, 2, ..., 9
ci18 (16 to 18 variable number of nodes)
cr27 (21 to 27 variable number of nodes)

For interface elements this number represents the number of nodes per side of the interface.

a 2 nodes, 3-D slide line along radial planes

b 3 nodes, 3-D slide line along radial planes

For beam and pipe elements this character also indicates the interpolation scheme and whether the element uses a hybrid formulation.

2 2 nodes, linear interpolation

3 3 nodes, quadratic interpolation

a 2 nodes, cubic interpolation

b 2 nodes, cubic interpolation, initially straight

h 2 nodes, hybrid, linear interpolation

i 3 nodes, hybrid, quadratic interpolation

j 2 nodes, hybrid, cubic interpolation

For asymmetric-axisymmetric continuum elements and shells this character represents a combination of the number of nodes and modes.

s Linear (4 or 2 nodes), 1 mode

t Linear (4 or 2 nodes), 2 modes

u Linear (4 or 2 nodes), 3 modes

v Linear (4 or 2 nodes), 4 modes

w Quadratic (8 or 3 nodes), 1 mode

x Quadratic (8 or 3 nodes), 2 modes

y Quadratic (8 or 3 nodes), 3 modes

z Quadratic (8 or 3 nodes), 4 modes