47.7.2 Creating a solid from a shell

You can create a solid part from a three-dimensional shell part by selecting the faces that will form a closed part. ABAQUS/CAE adds the solid material to change the region defined by the selected faces from a shell to a solid.

To create a solid from a shell:

  1. From the main menu bar, select ToolsRepair.

    ABAQUS/CAE displays the Geometry Repair Tools dialog box.

    Tip:  You can also create a solid from a shell using the tool, located with the repair tools in the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the repair tools in the toolbox, see An overview of repair techniques, Section 47.2.

  2. From the dialog box, select Solid from shell and click OK.

  3. Select faces from the shell that should be converted to a solid, and click mouse button 2 to indicate you have finished selecting faces.

    If you selected more than one face, ABAQUS/CAE chooses the direction in which to add the solid material and changes the regions with the selected faces from a shell to a solid.

  4. If you selected a single face, ABAQUS/CAE highlights the face and displays an arrow indicating the direction in which material will be added to create the solid. If desired, click Flip to reverse the direction of the arrow.

  5. Click mouse button 2 to confirm the direction of the arrow.

    ABAQUS/CAE fills the shell in the direction indicated and creates a solid region.

  6. If you have finished repairing the part, you should check its validity by right-clicking on the part in the Model Tree and selecting Update validity from the menu that appears.

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