You can display either an orphan mesh part, a native mesh part, or the assembly in the Mesh module. You can use all of the tools in the Edit Mesh toolset to edit an orphan mesh part; however, you can use only the following tools to edit a meshed native part or a meshed part instance in the assembly:
Edit nodes
Collapse element edges
Split an edge of a quadrilateral or triangular element
Swap the diagonal of a pair of adjacent triangular elements
Split a quadrilateral element into two triangular elements
Combine two triangular elements into one quadrilateral element
You can create an orphan mesh part in the Mesh module, or you can import an orphan mesh part from an output database or an ABAQUS input file. An instance of an orphan mesh part is always a dependent instance and, as a result, you cannot use the Edit Mesh toolset to edit an instance of an orphan mesh part in the assembly. However, you can display the original orphan meshed part that was used to create the instance and edit the part. For more information, see What is the difference between a dependent and an independent part instance?, Section 13.3.2.
ABAQUS/CAE does not provide a tool to undo changes to an orphan mesh part; however, you can do either of the following to recover the original mesh:
Create the orphan mesh part in the Mesh module.
Import the orphan mesh part from the output database or ABAQUS input file.