30.3 Producing an X–Y plot

To produce an X–Y plot, you first specify an X–Y data object. You can then choose to simply plot the specified X–Y data object or to save the data object and plot it later.

History and field data objects can include complex numbers; you can control the displayed form of complex numbers using the Result Options dialog box. An abbreviation of the complex form is appended to the Y-axis title when you plot the variable and becomes part of the saved variable name. For example, if S-Mises is the selected field output variable and Magnitude is the complex form, the Y-axis title is S-Mises CPX: Mg. For more information on complex number forms in ABAQUS/CAE, see Controlling the form of complex results, Section 24.4.9.

Use one of the following methods to produce an X–Y plot:

To produce an X–Y plot of history data from an output database:

Select ToolsXY DataCreate from the main menu bar; then choose ODB history output. Click Continue. From the dialog box that appears, select one or more variables to plot and the step or steps of interest; then click Plot.

You can also specify history output by selecting ResultHistory Output from the main menu bar.

To produce an X–Y plot of field data from an output database:

Select ToolsXY DataCreate from the main menu bar; then choose ODB field output. Click Continue. From the dialog box that appears, select one or more variables to plot, the location or locations from which to read the data, and the step or steps of interest; then click Plot.

To produce an X–Y plot of output database results along a path through your model:

To specify a path through your model, select ToolsPathCreate from the main menu bar; then configure the dialog boxes that appear. For more information, see Creating a path through your model, Section 32.2.

After you have created the path, select ToolsXY DataCreate from the main menu bar. Choose Path as the source of the X–Y data object, then click Continue. Configure the dialog box that appears, then click Plot. For more information, see Obtaining X–Y data along a path, Section 32.3.

To produce an X–Y plot of new data, not from an output database:

Select ToolsXY DataCreate from the main menu bar. Choose either Operate on XY data, ASCII file, or Keyboard as the source of the X–Y data object; then click Continue. In the dialog box that appears, enter your X–Y data object; then click Plot (or Plot Expression in the Operate on XY Data dialog box).

To produce an X–Y plot of one or more saved X–Y data objects:

  • To display a single X–Y data object, select ToolsXY DataPlot from the main menu bar; and select the X–Y data object from the pull-right menu.

  • To display multiple X–Y data objects on a single X–Y plot, select ToolsXY DataManager from the main menu bar. Select the X–Y data objects from the dialog box that appears; then click Plot.

For information on related topics, click any of the following items: