24.5.2 Overview of operations on field output

This section lists the operations that you can perform on individual field output variables using the Create Field Output dialog box and the arguments accepted by each operation. Arguments to trigonometric functions are assumed to be in radians. The following keys are used to classify function arguments:

Text keys for operations on field output:

AThe argument can be a field output variable, a floating point number, or an integer.
FThe argument must be a floating point number.
FOThe argument must be a field output variable.

Operations on field output:

+Perform addition.
Perform subtraction or unary negation.
*Perform multiplication.
/Perform division.
abs(A)Take the absolute value.
acosA)Take the arccosine.
asin(A)Take the arcsine.
atan(A)Take the arctangent.
cos(A)Take the cosine.
degreeToRadian(A)Convert degrees to radians.
exp(A)Take the natural exponential.
exp10(A)Take the base 10 exponential.
log(A)Take the natural logarithm.
log10(A)Take the base 10 logarithm.
power(FO,F)Raise a field output object to a power.
radianToDegree(A)Convert radians to degrees.
sin(A)Take the sine.
sqrt(A)Take the square root.
tan(A)Take the tangent.

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