19.4.7 How Sketcher customization options are initialized and saved

Sketcher customization options are grouped into the following settings:

Sketcher options

  • Snapping

  • Preselection behavior

Sketch options

  • Sheet size, grid spacing, and grid display

  • The origin of the grid and the alignment of the axes

  • The appearance of dimensions

  • Whether to display dimensions

  • Whether to display construction geometry

Sketcher options control the interactive behavior of the Sketcher, while Sketch options control the appearance of individual sketches. ABAQUS/CAE stores and uses your Sketcher customization settings only for the duration of the session. In contrast, ABAQUS/CAE stores your Sketch customization settings along with each sketch in the model database. As a result, if you exit the ABAQUS/CAE session and return to the sketch at a later date, the Sketch customization options are retained.

When you create a new part or stand-alone sketch, ABAQUS/CAE always recalculates the sheet size and grid spacing based on the approximate size of the part or the sketch that you are working on. By default, ABAQUS/CAE also displays the grid, dimensions, and construction geometry when you create a new part or sketch. However, if you change the Sketch options during a session and then create a new sketch, ABAQUS/CAE uses the most recent settings to determine if it will recalculate the sheet size and grid spacing and if it will display the grid. When you create a new part or sketch, the origin of the sketch is always at 0,0 and the axes of the grid always line up with the 1- and 2-axes.

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