To locate the job editor, select JobEdit
jobname from the main menu bar. Use the Parallelization tabbed page to control the parallel execution of an ABAQUS analysis job. You can control the following:
Select the number of processors to use for the analysis if parallel processing is available.
For an ABAQUS/Explicit analysis, you can choose the following:
The number of domains. If you choose the domain-level parallelization method, the number of domains must be a multiple of the number of processors.
Whether the parallelization method should be Domain (default) or Loop. The domain-level method splits the model into a number of topological domains that are distributed evenly among the available processors. The loop-level method parallelizes low-level loops in the code that are responsible for most of the computational cost.
If you select Loop for the parallelization method, you must select Default for the multiprocessing mode. For more information, see Parallel processing modes in ABAQUS, Section 7.19.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.
For both an ABAQUS/Standard and an ABAQUS/Explicit analysis, you can choose whether the multiprocessing mode should be Default, Threads, or MPI (Message Passing Interface). The default multiprocessing mode is dependent on the platform on which the analysis product executes. MPI-based mode is not available for Windows platforms or with the direct linear equation solver of ABAQUS/Standard.
Note: You use the Step module to choose between the ABAQUS/Standard iterative and direct sparse solvers. For more information, see Using the step editor, Section 14.10.