17.15.7 Specifying the sweep path

If you apply the swept meshing technique to a particular region, a Redefine sweep path button appears in the Mesh Controls dialog box for that region. If the region has more than one valid sweep path, you can click Redefine sweep path to select the path of your choice. (For more information on sweep paths, see Swept meshing, Section 17.10.)

This option is of particular interest if you are assigning mesh controls to a gasket, continuum shell, or cohesive region. When you mesh a gasket region, the axis of each gasket element will be coincident with the sweep path direction. (For more information, see Modeling gaskets, Section 21.6, and Gasket elements: overview, Section 18.6.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.) When you mesh a continuum shell or cohesive region, the sweep path is aligned with the stack direction. (For more information, see Orienting continuum shell elements, Section 21.4.3, and Creating a model with cohesive elements using geometry and mesh tools, Section 21.1.3.)

To specify the sweep path:

  1. From the main menu bar, select MeshControls.

    ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.

    Tip:  You can also click the tool, located in the Mesh module toolbox. (For more information, see Using the Mesh module toolbox, Section 17.12.)

  2. If your part or assembly contains more than one region, select the sweep-meshable regions of interest and then press mouse button 2.

    The Mesh Controls dialog box appears.

  3. In the Mesh Controls dialog box, select Sweep as the meshing technique if it is not already selected.

    If more than one valid sweep path exists for the regions that you selected, a Redefine Sweep Path button appears toward the bottom of the dialog box.

  4. Click Redefine Sweep Path.

    If you selected multiple regions, this procedure considers each of the selected regions in turn. The region currently being considered becomes highlighted in magenta, and the default sweep path is highlighted in red with an arrow indicating the sweep direction.

  5. Specify the sweep path and direction of your choice by selecting the appropriate option in the prompt area:

    • Click Accept Highlighted to accept the default sweep path indicated in the viewport.

    • Click Flip to change the direction of the currently selected sweep path. Then click Yes to indicate that the new sweep path direction is correct.

    • Click Select New (if applicable) to select a different edge as the sweep path. Then perform the following steps:

      1. Select an edge in the sweep path. You can indicate the desired sweep direction by clicking the mouse button toward the end of the edge that you want to coincide with the end of the sweep path.

        The new sweep path is highlighted in red with an arrow indicating the sweep direction.

      2. Click Yes in the prompt area if the path and direction are correct, or click Flip if you want to change the direction of the sweep path. Then click Yes to indicate that the new sweep path direction is correct.

    If multiple regions are selected with more than one valid sweep path, the procedure starts over with the next region. If only one region is selected, the procedure is complete and the Mesh Controls dialog box reappears.