The mesh transition option is applicable only to the following types of meshes:
A two-dimensional quadrilateral mesh that is created using the structured meshing technique.
A two-dimensional quadrilateral mesh that is created using the free meshing technique and the medial axis algorithm.
A three-dimensional hexahedral mesh that is created by sweeping a two-dimensional mesh.
To set transition options:
From the main menu bar, select MeshControls.
ABAQUS/CAE displays prompts in the prompt area to guide you through the procedure.
You can also click the tool, which is located in the Mesh module toolbox. (For more information, see Using the Mesh module toolbox, Section 17.12.)
If your part or assembly contains more than one region, select the regions of interest and press mouse button 2.
The Mesh Controls dialog box appears. If the mesh transition option is applicable to the type of mesh you are creating, a toggle button that allows you to minimize the mesh transition appears on the right side of the Mesh Controls dialog box.
Do one of the following:
Toggle on Minimize the mesh transition to reduce the amount of mesh transition. This selection forces ABAQUS/CAE to reduce the level of mesh distortion.
Toggle off Minimize the mesh transition to allow unrestricted generation of mesh transitions. This selection forces ABAQUS/CAE to adhere more closely to the mesh seeding.
Click OK to save your settings and to close the dialog box.