15.9 Understanding symbols that represent interactions, constraints, and connectors

When you apply interactions, constraints, or connectors to regions of the model, you can choose to display symbols in the viewport that indicate where you have applied the interaction, constraint, or connector. For information about graphical symbol types, see Symbols used to represent interactions, constraints, and connectors, Section B.2.

You can apply interactions, constraints, and connectors to native geometry or to an orphan mesh.

Interactions and constraints

If you apply an interaction or constraint to native geometry, symbols appear approximately equally spaced over the surface or surfaces to which the interaction or constraint is applied. If the interaction or constraint definition involves a node region rather than a surface, the symbols appear equally spaced on the edges of the node region and at any vertices in the node region. If the interaction or constraint is applied to a single vertex, a symbol appears at that vertex.

If you apply the interaction or constraint to an orphan mesh, symbols appear at the center of each element face for surface-based regions or at the nodes for node-based regions.


If you define a connector using two connector points, the connector sphere symbol and orientation triad appear at the connector points. The connection type label appears midway along a line between the connector points. If you define a connector with either connector point connected to ground, the connector sphere symbol, orientation triad, and connection type label appear at the specified connector point.

For information about controlling the visibility of these symbols, see Controlling the display of attributes, Section 50.11. For information on symbols representing prescribed conditions, see Understanding symbols that represent prescribed conditions, Section 16.5.