14.7.1 General solution controls

You can customize the numerous variables that control the convergence and time integration accuracy algorithms in ABAQUS. The default solution controls usually work well, but customizing these controls may result in a more cost-effective solution or help you to obtain a solution for particularly difficult analyses.

Note:  These options are available only for general ABAQUS/Standard analysis steps.

You can access the solution controls by selecting OtherGeneral Solution Controls from the main menu bar. For more information, see Analysis convergence controls, Section 8.3 of the ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual.

Warning:  Solution controls are intended for experienced analysts and should be used with great care. The default settings of these controls are appropriate for most nonlinear analyses. Changing these values inappropriately may greatly increase the computational time of your analysis or produce inaccurate results.

For detailed instructions on setting general solution controls, see Customizing general solution controls, Section 14.14.1.