11.18.2 Creating a new part

Select PartCreate from the main menu bar to create a new part in the current viewport.

A model can contain multiple parts; each part exists in a local coordinate system, and you use the Assembly module to create instances of the parts and position those instances relative to each other in a global coordinate system. When you create a part, you name the part and select its type, modeling space, base feature, and approximate size; you then sketch the profile of the part's base feature.

To create a new part:

  1. From the main menu bar, select PartCreate.

    The Create Part dialog box appears. For more information, see Using the Create Part dialog box, Section 11.19.

    Tip:  You can also create a part using the tool in the Part module toolbox. For a diagram of the tools in the Part module toolbox, see Using the Part module toolbox, Section 11.17.

  2. Type a name for the part. For information on naming ABAQUS/CAE objects, see Using basic dialog box components, Section 3.2.1.

  3. Choose the new part's modeling space, type, base feature, and approximate size. For more information, see How is a part defined in ABAQUS/CAE?, Section 11.4.

    Note:  You can rename a part after you create it, but you cannot change its modeling space or type.

  4. Click Continue to close the Create Part dialog box.

    The Sketcher starts, and the Sketch grid appears in the current viewport.

    If you are creating a three-dimensional revolved solid or shell, ABAQUS/CAE displays a vertical construction line on the Y-axis of the sketch that serves as the axis of revolution. You can sketch on either side of this construction line, but the sketch must not cross the construction line.

    If you are creating an axisymmetric part, ABAQUS/CAE displays a vertical construction line on the left side of the sketch that serves as the axis of revolution. You must sketch to the right of this construction line.

  5. Use the Sketcher to sketch the two-dimensional profile of the base feature. For more information, see Chapter 19, The Sketch module.”

    If you are constructing a swept part, you must first sketch the sweep path and exit the Sketcher. The Sketch will then restart automatically, and you can sketch the profile to be swept.

  6. When you have finished sketching the base feature, click mouse button 2 to exit the current Sketch tool.

  7. In the prompt area, click Done to exit the Sketcher. If the base feature is a three-dimensional solid or shell extrusion, the Edit Base Extrusion dialog box appears. You must use the Depth field to enter the distance through which to extrude the profile. You can also select Twist or Draft to modify the form of extrusion that ABAQUS/CAE will create. If the base feature is a three-dimensional revolved solid or shell, you must enter the angle through which to rotate the profile.

    ABAQUS/CAE exits the Sketcher and displays the new part in the current viewport.

  8. If necessary, use the Part module tools to add additional features to the base feature. For more information, see What is feature-based modeling?, Section 11.3.

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