7.6 Choosing background colors

You can control the background colors of the viewports in ABAQUS/CAE. The appearance of your models is affected by the difference in contrast between the model colors and the viewport colors.

To choose the background color:

  1. Locate the background color options.

    From the main menu bar, select ViewGraphics Options.

    ABAQUS/CAE displays the Graphics Options dialog box.

  2. From the Viewport Background field, select one of the following:

    • Solid to choose one color for the viewport background

    • Gradient to choose the top and bottom colors used to draw the background as a gradual blend from the top of the viewport to the bottom of the viewport

  3. Select the viewport background color or colors.

    1. Click a color sample .

      ABAQUS/CAE displays the Select Color dialog box.

    2. Use one of the methods in the Select Color dialog box to select a new color. For more information, see Customizing colors, Section 3.2.9.

    3. Click OK to close the Select Color dialog box.

      The color sample changes to the selected color.

    4. For gradient backgrounds you can select both the top and bottom colors directly; or you can select the top color, then click Auto-Select to have ABAQUS/CAE select the bottom color based on a variation of the top color.

  4. Click OK to implement your changes and to close the dialog box.

    Your changes are saved for the duration of the session.

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