Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/CAE
A piezoelectric material:
is one in which an electrical field causes the material to strain, while stress causes an electric potential gradient;
provides linear relations between mechanical and electrical fields; and
is used in piezoelectric elements, which have both displacement and electrical potential as nodal variables.
A piezoelectric material responds to an electric potential gradient by straining, while stress causes an electric potential gradient in the material. This coupling between electric potential gradient and strain is the material's piezoelectric property. The material will also have a dielectric property so that an electrical charge exists when the material has a potential gradient. Piezoelectric material behavior is discussed in Piezoelectric analysis, Section 2.10.1 of the ABAQUS Theory Manual.
The mechanical properties of the material must be modeled by linear elasticity (Linear elastic behavior, Section 10.2.1). The mechanical behavior can be defined by
is the mechanical stress tensor;
is the strain tensor;
is the electric “displacement” vector;
is the material's elastic stiffness matrix defined at zero electrical potential gradient (short circuit condition);
is the material's piezoelectric stress coefficient matrix, defining the stress caused by the electrical potential gradient
in a fully constrained material (it can also be interpreted as the electrical displacement
caused by the applied strain
at a zero electrical potential gradient);
is the material's piezoelectric strain coefficient matrix, defining the strain caused by the electrical potential gradient
in an unconstrained material (an alternative interpretation is given later in this section);
is the electrical potential;
is the material's dielectric property, defining the relation between the electric displacement and the electric potential gradient
for a fully constrained material; and
is the electrical potential gradient vector, .
The material's electrical and electro-mechanical coupling behaviors are, thus, defined by its dielectric property, , and its piezoelectric stress coefficient matrix,
, or its piezoelectric strain coefficient matrix,
. These properties are defined as part of the material definition (Material data definition, Section 9.1.2).
Alternative forms of the piezoelectric constitutive equations are presented in this section. These forms of the equations involve material properties that cannot be used directly as input for ABAQUS/Standard. However, they are related to the ABAQUS/Standard input through simple relations that are presented in Piezoelectric analysis, Section 2.10.1 of the ABAQUS Theory Manual. The intent of this section is to draw connections between the ABAQUS/Standard terminology and input to that used commonly in the piezoelectricity community. The mechanical behavior can also be defined by
is the material's elastic stiffness matrix defined at zero electrical displacement;
is the material's piezoelectric strain coefficient matrix used earlier, and based on the equations, may alternatively be interpreted as the electrical displacement caused by the stress
at zero electrical potential gradient;
is the material's piezoelectric coefficient matrix, which can be interpreted as defining either the strain caused by the electrical displacement
in an unconstrained material or the electrical potential gradient
caused by the stress
at zero electrical displacement; and
is the material's dielectric property, defining the relation between the electric displacement and the electric potential gradient
for an unconstrained material.
The dielectric matrix can be isotropic, orthotropic, or fully anisotropic. For non-isotropic dielectric materials a local orientation for the material directions must be specified (Orientations, Section 2.2.5).
The dielectric matrix can be fully isotropic, so that
Input File Usage: | *DIELECTRIC, TYPE=ISO |
ABAQUS/CAE Usage: | Property module: material editor: Other |
For orthotropic behavior you must specify three values in the dielectric matrix (,
, and
Input File Usage: | *DIELECTRIC, TYPE=ORTHO |
ABAQUS/CAE Usage: | Property module: material editor: Other |
For fully anisotropic behavior you must specify six values in the dielectric matrix (,
, and
Input File Usage: | *DIELECTRIC, TYPE=ANISO |
ABAQUS/CAE Usage: | Property module: material editor: Other |
The piezoelectric material properties can be defined by giving the stress coefficients, (this is the default), or by giving the strain coefficients,
. In either case, 18 components must be given in the following order (substitute
for strain coefficients):
Thus, the piezoelectric components causing electrical displacement in the 1-direction are all given first, then those causing electrical displacement in the 2-direction, and then those causing electrical displacement in the 3-direction. (Some references list these coupling terms in a different order.)
Input File Usage: | Use the following option to give the stress coefficients: |
*PIEZOELECTRIC, TYPE=S Use the following option to give the strain coefficients: *PIEZOELECTRIC, TYPE=E |
ABAQUS/CAE Usage: | Property module: material editor: Other |
Industry-supplied piezoelectric data often use a double index notation. The double index notation can be converted easily to the required triple index notation in ABAQUS/Standard by noting the following correspondence between the (second-order) tensor and vector notations: the 11, 22, 33, 12, 13, and 23 components of the tensor correspond to the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 components, respectively, of the corresponding vector.
Piezoelectric coupling is active only in piezoelectric elements (those with displacement degrees of freedom and electrical potential degree of freedom 9). See Choosing the appropriate element for an analysis type, Section 13.1.3.