Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit ABAQUS/CAE
Benefits: General or shear surface tractions can be applied as element-based or surface-based distributed loads. Distributed edge tractions (general, shear, normal, or transverse) and edge moments can be applied to shell elements as element-based or surface-based distributed loads.
Description: General surface tractions allow you to specify a traction, , acting on a surface,
, in an arbitrary direction. The resultant load,
, is computed by integrating
General edge tractions allow you to specify a distributed edge load, , acting on a shell edge,
, in an arbitrary direction. The resultant load,
, is computed by integrating
General surface tractions and general edge tractions can be specified to be follower or non-follower loads. Shear surface tractions and all other edge tractions are modeled as follower loads.
Load module: LoadCreate: Mechanical, Surface traction Load
Create: Mechanical, Shell edge load