This option must be used in conjunction with the *BEAM GENERAL SECTION option, the *BEAM SECTION option, the *COHESIVE SECTION option, the *SHELL GENERAL SECTION option, or the *SHELL SECTION option. The transverse shear stiffness defined with this option affects only the transverse shear flexible elements whose section properties are defined by the immediately preceding section option.
Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: Model data
Level: Part Part Instance
First (and only) line:
Value of the shear stiffness of the section in the first direction, .
Value of the shear stiffness of the section in the second direction, .
Value of the coupling term in the shear stiffness of the section, .
If either value or
is omitted or given as zero, the nonzero value will be used for both.