Specify alternative solution methods.

This option is used to specify the quasi-Newton method instead of the standard Newton method for solving nonlinear equations, to specify a separated solution scheme for *COUPLED TEMPERATURE-DISPLACEMENT and *COUPLED THERMAL-ELECTRICAL procedures, or to specify that contact iterations should be executed instead of regular severe discontinuity iterations.

Product: ABAQUS/Standard  

Type: History data

Level: Step  


Required parameter:


Set TYPE=QUASI-NEWTON to specify a quasi-Newton solution method.

Set TYPE=SEPARATED to specify that linearized equations for the individual fields in a fully coupled procedure are to be decoupled and solved separately for each field. This option can be specified only with the *COUPLED TEMPERATURE-DISPLACEMENT and *COUPLED THERMAL-ELECTRICAL procedures.

Set TYPE=CONTACT ITERATIONS to specify that contact iterations should be executed instead of regular severe discontinuity iterations.

Optional parameter:


This parameter can be used only with TYPE=QUASI-NEWTON. Set this parameter equal to the number of quasi-Newton iterations allowed before the kernel matrix is reformed. The default is REFORM KERNEL=8.


First (and only) line:

  1. Correction factor on the maximum number of right-hand-side solutions during any contact iteration. The default is 1. The actual number of allowed right-hand-side solutions with the correction factor accounted for is printed in the message file if *PRINT, CONTACT=YES is specified.

  2. Maximum number of contact iterations allowed before new global matrix assemblage and factorization. The default is 30.