*HEADING : NAFEMS TEST 2, wrapped thick cylinder [S8R] *NODE 10001, 11,0.,23. 19,23.,0. *NGEN,LINE=C,NSET=LHS 11,19,1,10001 *NCOPY,CHANGE NUMBER=800,OLD SET=LHS,SHIFT,NEW SET=RHS 0.,0.,-100. *NFILL,NSET=NALL LHS,RHS,8,100 *NSET,NSET=AB,GEN 19,819,100 *NSET,NSET=CD,GEN 11,811,100 *ELSET,ELSET=CD 11,211,411,611 *ELSET,ELSET=AB 17,217,417,617 *NORMAL CD,CD,0.,1.,0. AB,AB,1.,0.,0. *ELEMENT,TYPE=S8R,ELSET=ELALL 11,11,13,213,211,12,113,212,111 *ELGEN,ELSET=ELALL 11,4,2,2,4,200,200 *ELSET,ELSET=OUTPUT 11, ** The two innermost shell layers are made of material "none," ** which has negligible stiffness. These layers are added ** to the model so that the shell midplane lies at a radius of 23. ** We want the midplane to be at 23 because the pressure load is ** applied to the midplane, not to the surface of the shell. *SHELL SECTION,ELSET=ELALL,COMPOSITE 2.,3,NONE 2.,3,NONE 2.,3,INNER 2.,3,OUTER,ORIENT *MATERIAL,NAME=NONE *ELASTIC 1.E2,0. *MATERIAL,NAME=INNER *ELASTIC 2.1E5,.3 *EXPANSION 2.E-5, *MATERIAL,NAME=OUTER *ELASTIC,TYPE=LAMINA 1.3E5,5.E3,.25,1.E4,1.E4,5.E3 *EXPANSION,TYPE=ORTHO 3.E-6,2.E-5,2.E-5 *ORIENTATION,NAME=ORIENT,SYSTEM=CYLINDRICAL,DEFINITION=COORDINATES 0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,-1. 1,0. *BOUNDARY LHS,3 AB,2 AB,6 CD,1 CD,6 ** *STEP *STATIC *DLOAD ELALL,P,200. *EL FILE,ELSET=OUTPUT,POSITION=NODES 7,8,9,10,11,12 S, *END STEP *STEP *STATIC *TEMPERATURE NALL,130. *END STEP