JME 2410

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies


JME 2410. Mechanics of Deformable Bodies. Mechanics of Deformable Bodies Stress and strain: equilibrium, compatibility, transformations. Hooke's law. Elastic energy. Stresses in beams, columns, and torsional members. Yield and fracture. Elastic deflection of beams. Statically indeterminate systems. Concept of stability. Prerequisites: ENGR 2310 (statics), Math 1900. Credit 3 units.

Instructor:  Sebastian Nervi  (314-744-5021, ext 21)

Grader:  Matthew Watkins

Textbook: Mechanics of Materials, F. P. Beer, E. R. Russell Johnston & J. T. DeWolf. Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill, Inc. 2008 (ISBN 0-07-352838-7). Note: if you have the fourth edition you can use it for reading, however homework exercises will be assigned from the fith edition.

Lectures: Monday and Wednesday 5:30pm to 7:00pm (Cupples II 202)

Instructor Help Session: Monday and Wednesday 7:00pm to 8:00pm (Cupples II 200): Regular Attendance is strongly recommended.

Tests: Quizzes : Mondays, room Cupples II 202. Closed notes and closed book. Midterm:  (03/03/10) one 8.5 x 11 cheat sheet is allowed with formulas only.

Final Exam: (05/12/10 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm) open book plus one 8.5 x 11 cheat sheet. Room Cupples II 200

Grading: Homework/Quizzes (40%), midterm (30%), final exam (30%)  60-69 (D); 70-79 (C); 80-89 (B); 90-100 (A).

Download grade sheet JME 2410 Spring 2010

Goals: Provide basic understanding of mechanics of materials, statically determinate structures, statically indeterminate structures and an introduction to stability.

Further Course Information:

Review material:

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Midterm Practice Exams

Midterm Exam

Midterm Make-Up Exam

Final Practice Exams

Final Exam

Homework problems:

Homework Solutions:


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