Engineering 477
Process Technology
1. SciFinder Chemical Abstracts
Information contained in SciFinder Scholar is from the CAS databases produced by the Chemical Abstracts Service. The databases contain nearly 14 million citations from over 9,000 journals worldwide, covering the full spectrum of chemistry-related information. Scholar also provides access to patent information, conference proceedings, and the CAS Registry of over 17 million chemical substances.
2. Crossfire Beilstein
– Organic Reaction Database
The Beilstein database contains information on
approximately 7 million organic substances. Records in the database include
structures, data on chemical and physical properties such as melting point,
boiling point and spectral identification, and over 5 million reactions, as
well as references to the chemical literature published from 1779 to date.
3. STN Consortium of Science &
Technology Databases
Detherm – Contains thermophysical
data, thermodynamic, multicomponent systems, electric, transport, surface, and
electrochemical properties.
Dippr – AIChE Design Institute
Physical Property database. Contains
property constants and temperature-dependent properties for commercially
important chemical substances
TRCTHERMO – A numeric database
containing the evaluated data of the Thermodynamic Research Center. The database contains the most frequently
used thermodynamic data for organic and simple inorganic compounds.
4. Patents
5. INSPEC Scientific
and technical journals and conference
proceedings in physics, electrical engineering and
electronics, computing and control, and information technology.
6. Compendex Compendex
is the internet version of The Engineering
Index, the world’s premier link to the engineering
literature. The database adds about 500,000 records yearly. Compendex covers
over 5,000 engineering journals, conferences, and reports. All areas of
engineering are represented.
Approximately 22% of the database is conference literature, and 90% of
the source documents are in English. About half the citations (from 2,000
journals and conferences) include abstracts and indexing.
7. Web
of Science The Web of
Science provides access to the Science Citation
Index Expanded(TM), Social Sciences Citation Index®, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index®.
All available from
More chemical information
available at
Rob McFarland Ph. D
549 Louderman Hall
Office Hours
9:30am – 10:00am daily
4:30pm – 5pm daily
By Appointment