A design project is required for this course. It will carry 15% of your grade. You should:


            Select a process to study

            Prepare a preliminary flowsheet

            Prepare a mass and energy balance using a simulator

            Prepare an economic evaluation

            Prepare a preliminary design report

            Perform sensitivity and optimization studies  study effect of varying process parameters)


You may choose any chemical engineering design problem. The project should satisfy the following basic requirements:


1.         It should demonstrate a grasp of the basic concepts learned in class.

2.         It should demonstrate a proficiency in the use of a simulator.

3.         It should include sizing, costing and an economic evaluation.


In order to facilitate a gradual progress towards your project report, I will need the following intermediate reports.


1. Mon Oct 15:           Form a 3-4 person group.

            Designate a group leader. Select a name for your team. Set up a group account with CEC for your work. Submit a two page  project management form as attached along with a one page project abstract. Keep a copy for each member of the group.

Start a project file to store the information and your work.


2. Friday Oct 26 Oral Report I.

            Sign up to meet with me in my office for 10  minutes. Be on time. Bring a list of questions to discuss. Bring your project file. Show what progress you have made.


3. Friday Nov 2.  Oral Report II Written Progress Report I

            This should contain a  preliminary simulation diagram and a project plan showing suitable division of labor among all team members. I will meet with each group leader  and team members to discuss their plan.

Meet with me for 10 minutes as before.


4. Friday Nov 9. Oral Report III.:

Friday Nov 16. Oral Report IV Progress Report II

            Simulation report. Submit PFD and stream summary. I will meet with each group to assess progress.


5. Friday Nov 30  Oral Report IV.

To wrap up project.


6. Monday Dec 3. Final Oral and Written Reports are due.

            Final Report in format given below is due. An oral presentation of about 10 minutes is also required.


Guidelines for selecting a process:


1.         Select a process that you like, perhaps something you are already familiar with through your summer job or other course work.

2.         Stay away from processes involving:

            solids/solid handling   These require special treatment in Hysys

            Unusual chemical compounds   No physical property data may be available

            Unknown chemistry yield data or unknown chemical kinetics.

            Unusual unit operations  a lot of batch processing, for example

Unusual operating conditions. These will be hard to simulate within the short time

we have

3.         Work in groups of 3 or 4. Select a process in consultation with your partners.

Do something exciting and different, e.g. investigate a new separation method on an existing process. Innovate! Use your creativity.

Do not choose a trivial problem to solve.  Challenge yourself. I will take into account the complexity of the problem when grading the project.


Remember that prospective employers look upon these kind of projects and team work as an essential part of your education. You can and should take the project report with you to interviews to demonstrate the depth of your knowledge. This project report becomes part of your portfolio when seeking a job.


Suggested Format for Report:


See Chapter 23 of Text on how to write a Technical Design Report.


1.         Title page. Include title of project. Team name. Team members. Date of report.

2.         Table of Contents. List all sections. List figures, figure captions and Tables.

3.         Summary  one page. Include critical data and information.

4.         Introduction: Overview of Process  1-2 pages

5.         Block Flow diagram and Economic Potential 1-2 pages

6.         Process Flow Diagram. Process description. 1-2 pages

7.         Simulation results. show  flowsheet, stream summary;   1-3 pages

8.         Equipment size and cost summary  1-3 pages

9.         Economic evaluation summary  1-3 pages

10.       Sensitivity studies and optimization  1-3 pages

11.       Conclusion  1 page

12.       Appendices

1.         Input data used for simulation.

2.         Other relevant material. Keep this brief and to the point.

Do not include long report files from your simulation, although you may extract parts of it in the body of your report.

Late reports will be penalized at 10% per day.





Project Abstract                                   10 points

Oral Reports                                        10. If you are absent you will lose points.

Progress Report I                                 10

Progress Report II                                10

Oral Presentation                                  30 ( See criteria for grading in attached sheet)

Final Report                                         40


Written report Grading


Final report will be graded on the basis of:


            technical merit 10 points

            technical accuracy 10 points

            completeness 10 points

            clarity, neatness, organization 10 points

Oral Presentation


The oral presentation should be about 10 minute duration. You may designate one or more persons from your team to do the oral presentation. All members should be present to answer any questions that may arise.


Suggested format:


Introduction. Introduce project. Team members.

Motivation and Objectives of project.

Project description. Describe what was accomplished.

Main results of your study.

Main conclusions of your project



You should use a presentation graphics software for preparing the slides. Make sure all slides are readable from the back of the room. 


Grading of oral reports:


1. Content. 30 points

a. Clarity of problem introduction 10 points

b. Work accomplished    10 points

c. Clarity of results and conclusions 10 points


2. Quality of presentation 50 points

a. Flow of ideas and structure of presentation 10 points

b. Slide quality 10 points

c. Talk preparation, ability to handle questions 10 points

d. Clarity of speech 10 points

e. Time management 10 points

Project Management


Team Name



Project Name



CEC Group Account Name



Project Goal





Team Members




Phone #

















Scheduled Weekly Meeting Time: 





Task Assignments

Team Leader ( Also Project File Keeper)


Cost Expert


Simulation Expert


Process Expert



Project File contains: All reference material, Notes on meetings, Notes on Hysys work as to who did what when, log of Hysys runs made and files saved, intermediate results, pencil and paper calculation notes

Project Schedule


Person Responsible

Oct 15

Oct 22

Oct 29

Nov 5

Nov 12

Nov 19

Nov 26

Dec 3

1. Project Kickoff










Select Process










Write Abstract










2. Project Management










Develop plan










Assign Tasks










Set up CEC account










Set up meeting schedule










3. Hysys model development










Develop BFD, Economic Potential










Develop Prelim. Mass Balance










Choose Fluid package, set up










Below list all individual tasks that you have identified as necessary to complete the simulation










Task 1: ???










Task 2 ???








































4. First Progress Report










5. Process Economics










Size equipment










Cost equipment






























6. Second Progress Report












7. Written Report




















Process Description










Process PFD










Process Instrumentation








































Submit Report










7. Oral Report










Prepare Slides










Give Presentation