December 17, 2008
Project #2 has been graded. You should all have received emails containing your grade for project #2 along with a returned and graded submission. If you would like to contest the grade or the math that went into the grade (after all, we all make silly math mistakes from time to time), please send email to The address is offline.
December 11, 2008
The final exam will appear on the website at this location at 11:59 PM this evening. The exam is due on Monday December 15, 2008 at 9:00 AM. Good luck, and have a good break. Also, project #2 will be graded and returned... eventually.
November 2, 2008
As a reminder, project #2 is due on Monday November 17th. I have begun a questions and answers section, which I will expand as I receive further questions by email. Good luck with the project. And also be sure to VOTE on Nov. 4th!
October 16, 2008
Class notes will no longer be posted. Posting them is incredibly time consuming and, since everyone is supposed to come to class, posting class notes should be unnecessary.
October 7, 2008
Sorry for the delays in updating the website and in posting the class notes.
I am going to try to get the notes posted as quickly as possible, and I will
try harder to keep the website up-to-date. Also, if you see any out-of-date material
on the website, don't hesitate to send an email to cse425s
September 22, 2008: Project date change (again)
Project #1 is due on Wednesday October 15th.
September 8, 2008: Project date change
The assignment date and due date for Project #1 have changed. Project #1 will not be assigned until we have covered denotational semantics in class. It will now be assigned on 9/22/2008 and will be due on 10/8/2008.
August 27, 2008: Textbook
Programming Languages: Principles and Practice (Second Edition) by Kenneth C. Louden is a required text for this course. Be sure to obtain a copy by purchasing it from the campus bookstore, from Lock & Chain, from eBay, or from elsewhere.